Dental Implants vs Veneers

Dental implants or veneers? Is this question bothering you? Well, we plan to help you take a decision on what is best for you by giving you a basic overview about what are dental implants and veneers and what are their advantages and disadvantages and how do the two things differ from one another. So, let’s go! 

What are dental implants and what are veneers? 

Dental implants involve replacement of the root of the tooth in case of loss of tooth. The loss of tooth could be because of injury, accident, tooth decay, gum disease or lack of proper oral hygiene. The alternates to dental implant surgery are dental bridges and dentures. Dental implants are generally advised if one needs to restore one’s ability to chew or improve appearance.  

Veneers on the other hand are thin, tooth colored shell-like structures that are glued to the front of the tooth with the primary objective of improving the appearance of the tooth. Most of the time the reason to get veneers is either a chipped or broken tooth or discolored tooth. It can also sometimes be used to make a symmetrical even smile. So generally, the reasons for suggesting veneers to a patient are cosmetic in nature. However, there are other benefits of veneers too. 

Advantages and disadvantages of dental implants 

Advantages of a dental implant include – 

  1. Appearance – dental implants look and feel just like natural teeth. 
  1. Durable – Once fitted dental implants can last a lifetime.  
  1. Comfort and ease – As compared to dentures dental implants are more comfortable and easier to use. You don’t need to take them out or clean them any differently from natural teeth. They also make it easy to chew and eat food. 
  1. Speech – Dental implants can help improve speech.  
  1. Self-esteem – A tooth loss can be a blow to one’s self esteem and dental implants help get that back. 
  1. Health of jaw bone and gums – getting a dental implant is beneficial for the jaw bone as it prevents it from shrinking due to bone loss and it is good for the gums too. 

Disadvantages – 

  1. Dental implant is a surgical process and hence comes with some inherent risks. It is an invasive procedure and needs a long time to heal. 
  1. There is a chance of damage to other surrounding teeth and soft tissue during the surgery. 
  1. There is always a chance that the surgery may not achieve its objectives as envisaged. 
  1. Getting dental implants may be costly and need not be covered by insurance. 

On the whole there are more advantages than disadvantages to a dental implant process. 

Now let us see what are the advantages of getting veneers – 

  1. Veneers are one of the best options to choose if you need a cosmetic improvement in the appearance of your teeth and smile because they look and feel natural. 
  1. Veneers are long lasting (depending on the type of veneers chosen). On an average they can last for more than a decade. 
  1. Once you have veneers it can prevent tooth discoloration because they are stain resistant. 
  1. Getting veneers is a non-invasive procedure, does not need anesthesia and you can get veneers in a couple of visits only.  
  1. Dental veneers are easy to maintain as they do not need any additional cleaning other than the usual oral care of brushing and flossing. 

Disadvantages of veneers 

  1. One of the biggest disadvantages of veneers is that they are permanent once glued to your teeth, removing them is not an option. 
  1. Because the procedure involves removal of some enamel from the teeth it can leave them sensitive to hot and cold substances. 
  1. While dental veneers last long but they can get damaged. They can break, chip or even fall off if one consumes very hard foods or because of teeth grinding. 
  1. Getting dental veneers is also considered a cosmetic procedure hence may not be covered by dental insurance.  

As one can see there is a huge difference between the very purpose of a dental implant and a veneer. Hence this is not an easy comparison to do. Both procedures are good and long lasting but they serve different purposes.  However, you can go by the following parameters – 

  1. How damaged is your tooth? In case of complete tooth loss an implant is better but incase of a chipped tooth a veneer may be more appropriate. 
  1. Factor in the cost of the procedures in case you can choose from either of the procedures. Implants are generally costlier than veneers. 
  1. Do you have bite or alignment issues? In these cases, a dental implant is more suitable than a veneer. 
  1. How durable a solution are you looking for? A veneer can last more than 10 years but an implant can last a lifetime. 

Last but not the least do consult your dentist who knows your problem and medical history because he/ she can guide you the best. 

Hope you enjoyed reading this blog and learnt something new today. Please recommend our blog, share it with your family and friends who may also benefit from this information. If you wish to avail any of our services, please call Ensure Dental Care on 682-213-4114 for an appointment today.  

We are a family dentist Saginaw Tx. Ensure Dental Care is the one of the best family dentist in Saginaw Texas. We also get patients from Fortworth. We accept all major insurance providers. We have an in-house payment plan; financing options from Sunbit and accept care credit too. We have a very experienced and professional team of dental practitioners and we look forward to serving you to the best of our abilities. 

Ensure Dental Care offers emergency dental services. Irrespective of the problem we offer same day emergency treatments. We entertain walk ins as well. 

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