Dentures are false teeth that are most commonly used to replace lost teeth. They are as old as 2500 BC when animal teeth were used to make dentures. Then came the Egyptians and Etruscans who made dentures not only from animal teeth but also bone, wire etc. There was a time when wooden dentures were also used in Japan.
With advancements in technology now dentures are made of materials like acrylic, nylon, porcelain, resin etc. Generally, the frame of the dentures is made up of metal or acrylic. 9th March is observed as National False Teeth Day every year to raise awareness about oral care and the importance, use and care of false teeth or dentures. They are used by many celebrities like Ben Affleck, Miley Cyrus, George Clooney etc.
Dentures are now a days giving way to implants and yet dentures are still popular among young as well as old because they are comfortable, efficient and aesthetically pleasing. The average age of when people start using dentures is somewhere between 40 to 49. This is the age when they first experience tooth loss due to age related factors. To know more about types dentures, their advantages and disadvantages read our blog – Dentures. You can also check out our blogs – Myths about Dentures and Dentures vs Implants if these topics interest you.
Now that we have established that dentures are widely used, we must try to understand how to take care of Dentures. This blog is to raise awareness about that.
Tips to take care of your dentures
- Handle dentures with care. Take appropriate precautions while handling them to avoid dropping them. They can break if they fall hard on a surface.
- Remove your dentures after every meal and rinse them under running tap water. Dentures like our natural teeth can also have food particles stuck on and in between them and if not cleaned properly can lead to plaque formation and other oral problems. While you clean your dentures make sure to wipe your gums and teeth too with a soft wet cloth or gently with a toothbrush.
- Just like we brush our natural teeth, make sure you brush your dentures too daily. The only difference is don’t use a toothpaste. A toothpaste is abrasive and can make scratches on the dentures which can be ideal pockets for plaque to build up. Use a non-abrasive denture cleanser. Don’t use a hard bristled brush, there are special brushes available for brushing of dentures. Use them. Denture brushes are effective and do not harm the dentures. Avoid brushing too hard as this may wear down the dentures.
- Soak your dentures overnight and when not using in water or denture cleanser soaking solution. This is to make sure they stay moist and retain their shape. If the dentures have metal attachments the denture soaking solution may not be the best option to soak them in. Please check with your dentist on how best to take care of them. Never put dentures in hot or boiling water, it can warp the dentures. Also never use denture soaking solution while the dentures are in the mouth.
- Don’t wear dentures overnight. This is to avoid getting fungal infections like denture stomatitis which is caused by a type of yeast. Research has shown that 70% of denture users generally develop this condition. It is very important to take care especially in the case of feeble and incapacitated patients who use dentures.
- Every morning before putting on your dentures make sure to rinse them thoroughly with water especially if you are using a denture soaking solution. The chemicals in these solutions can cause vomiting, pain and even burns if ingested.
- Visit the dentist regularly for checkups. This will keep not only the oral diseases at bay but also will help diagnose any issues with the dentures. In case of a loose fit visit your dentist as soon as possible. Loose dentures can cause irritation, sores as well as infection.
This is how you can take care of your dentures on a day-to-day basis.
Other than these measures you must also keep an eye out for the following –
- Any inflammation or irritation beneath the dentures.
- If dentures do not stay in place on their own and need adhesives to keep them in place.
- If the dentures are stained, worn out, cracked or broken.
- If there is any change in the mouth due to which the dentures no longer fit properly.
- If the dentures were fabricated more than 5 years ago.
In all the above cases maybe, it is time to get rid of the old dentures and get new ones made.
Be gentle with your dentures. Try to take small bites and chew gently if you are using dentures. Denture care is easy and if taken proper care your dentures will last longer and you will stay healthier.
Hope this blog has been an interesting and informative read. If yes make sure that your share it with your family and friends. For any dental queries and appointments call Ensure Dental Care, your family dentist in Saginaw TX, on 940-274-3229. Ensure Dental Care offers emergency dental services. Irrespective of the problem we offer same day emergency treatments. We entertain walk ins also.
We are the family dentist near you. Ensure Dental Care is one of the best Saginaw dental clinics. We accept all major insurance providers. We also have an in-house payment plan. We have a very experienced and professional team of dental practitioners and we look forward to serving you to the best of our abilities.
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