Laser Dentistry

Did you know that the word Laser is an acronym? It stands for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Lasers have been used in dentistry since 1994 to treat a number of dental issues.  Dental professionals have been using lasers for a variety of procedures like removing overgrown tissues, teeth whitening and reshaping the gums. Yet most of the people have never even heard of this till they get a laser treatment done. 

How does laser work in dentistry? 

Laser is a narrow focused beam of light which dentists use like a cutting instrument. Laser is used to cut the tissue it comes in contact with. It is used not just as an energy source but also as a heat source to vaporize overgrown tissue or increase the efficacy of teeth bleaching agents.  

Types of lasers 

Lasers used in dental treatments are generally of 2 kinds – 

  1. Soft tissue laser – these lasers are light and easily absorbed by water and hemoglobin in the blood and are used for treatment of gum related problems.  
  1. Hard tissue laser – these lasers have wavelengths that can cut through a bone and hence ideal for issues related to the teeth. 

What are the procedures that use laser dentistry and how? 

Some procedures in which laser technology has been used successfully include – 

  1. Tooth sensitivity – Dental lasers can be used to seal the hollow tubes known as tubules in dentin. Dentin is that part of the teeth which get exposed when there is loss of enamel leading to tooth sensitivity.  
  1. Cavity detection – Lasers can find cavities easily and earlier than a physical examination. Early detection of cavities can help arrest the dental problem before it becomes big thereby reducing the loss of teeth due to cavities. Laser can also kill bacteria in the cavity without the need of local anesthesia and any drilling of the tooth. 

Both the above mentioned procedures are classified as hard tissue procedures. Some soft tissue procedures are – 

  1. Reshaping the gum – Sometimes gums can cover too much part of the tooth leading to a gummy smile. This problem can be fixed using a soft tissue laser to reshape the gums as desired. Not only is it used for reshaping gums but also sometimes to lengthen the crown. 
  1. Tongue tie issue correction – Some children have problems in breastfeeding or speech because the fold of the skin under the tongue is too thick or tight. This problem known as tongue tie can be resolved using a laser.  
  1. Denture fold removal – If someone has ill fitting dentures then their soft tissue may get folded unnaturally. These folds can also be removed using lasers without sutures. 
  1. Teeth whitening – Lasers can speed up the process of bleaching during teeth whitening. 
  1. TMJ treatment – Lasers can help to reduce the pain and inflammation of joints in TMJ giving relief to the patient. 
  1. Cold sores treatment – Cold sores can be treated using lasers. Healing time also gets minimized if lasers are used. 
  1. Benign tumor removal and nerve regeneration – Lasers can remove tumor from lips, cheeks, gums and the palate in a pain free manner. It can help in the regeneration of nerves and healing of blood vessels also because it can seal the nerves and blood vessels respectively. 
  1. Use of laser is very effective and minimally invasive method by which a dentist can take a look at what is inside your teeth and gums. 

Advantages of using laser technology over other traditional treatment options 

  1. Because no drills and fewer sutures are needed in a laser treatment it is the perfect option for people who are anxious about dental treatments. 
  1. It is relatively pain free as compared to the traditional methods. 
  1. It minimizes the bleeding and swelling of soft tissues during and after the procedure. 
  1. It is less time consuming and more accurate procedure as compared with traditional treatments. 
  1. Because it sterilizes the area where applied it reduces the chances of a bacterial infection and promotes faster healing. 
  1. In some procedure it eliminates the use of anesthesia and can also help regenerate the tissue. 

Disadvantages of using laser technology  

  1. Hard lasers can hurt the pulp inside the tooth if not handled properly. There is also a chance of gums getting injured in the process. 
  1. Some laser treatments may still need anesthesia or usage of drills and some still cannot be done using lasers. 
  1. Lasers cannot be used on teeth that have metal or any other kinds of fillings. 
  1. Laser treatments for dental problems can be a little expensive as compared to the traditional method of using drills.  

Despite its disadvantages laser treatments are still one of the least risky methods of dental treatments. It is important that you find the right dentist for your laser dental procedure. One who has the appropriate knowledge and experience needed for such procedures. Make sure they are using the right kind of laser and the right level of power with adequate safety protocols like special glasses for the protection of your eyes during the treatment. Laser dentistry is simple and a very convenient option for many dental issues. Make sure you ask your family dentist about this option whenever he/she advises any dental procedure to you or your family the next time.       

If you have more queries you can always call Ensure Dental Care (the family dentist near you) on 940-274-3229 for more information or to schedule an appointment. Ensure Dental Care is the one of the best family dental clinics at Saginaw Texas. We accept all major insurance providers. We also have in house payment plan. We have a very experienced team of dental practitioners and we look forward to serving you the best of our abilities.  

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