If you are thinking of getting dentures or already using them this blog is for you. It does not matter whether you are using complete dentures or partial dentures, whether they are removable dentures or not these are common myths surrounding dentures and we are here to bust them.
Myth 1
Dentures are unattractive and fake
With so much progress in dental technology and cosmetics dentures are no longer ugly. In fact, they now look almost like your natural teeth. If you are planning on getting flexible partial dentures or metallic partial dentures then you can work with your surgeon to customize the dentures to blend with your natural teeth.
Myth 2
Eating is difficult with dentures
Well, this is partially true that it takes a few weeks to adjust to the new dentures and you may need to start with eating liquid or soft foods before you go back to eating what you used to before getting the dentures. If you have got the right fit then it will never be difficult to eat with dentures.
Myth 3
If I get dentures I cannot get dental implants
Dentures and dental implants are the most commonly used procedures for the replacement of missing or lost teeth and a lot of time are presented as alternatives to one another however this does not mean you cannot get a dental implant if you opt for dentures. One can always go for a dental implant if one has dentures.
Myth 4
Dentures will fall out when I eat or talk
This is one of the most feared consequences of dentures that potential users are worried about. However, this is not true. It totally depends upon the quality of the dentures. A cheap denture that does not fit your jaw properly can fall out during eating or talking but not a good quality one. It’s always best to communicate well with your dentist while getting fitted for dentures. Your feedback at that time can ensure your dentures fit you well.
Myth 5
Dentures mean I need not worry about dental hygiene
While dentures are not natural teeth but they still need proper and regular cleaning. One should ideally remove and clean dentures overnight and one should also use a soft wet cloth to wipe the gums gently to remove any bacteria.
Myth 6
Dentures last for eternity
This is not true. A denture can last anywhere between 5 to 10 years depending on usage and its upkeep. One must regularly visit a dentist even after getting dentures so that they can evaluate for wear and tear or any fitting issues.
Myth 7
Dentures is for old people
While most people who use dentures may be old this statement is completely false. Dentures are for all those who have one or more missing teeth and this has nothing to do with the age of the person.
Whether you opt for complete dentures or partial dentures or flexible dentures or removable dentures make sure you consult your dentist so that you can choose what is best for you.
To know more on the subject, you can call us on 940-274-6181 to walk into Ensure Dental Care today. All major insurance plans accepted.
You can also check the 10 Bad foods for teeth.