Tag: #dentalhealth

Top 7 Myths about Dentures You Should Not Believe In

Know Myths about Dentures

If you are thinking of getting dentures or already using them this blog is for you. It does not matter whether you are using complete dentures or partial dentures, whether they are removable dentures or not these are common myths surrounding dentures and we are here to bust them.

Myth 1

Dentures are unattractive and fake

With so much progress in dental technology and cosmetics dentures are no longer ugly. In fact, they now look almost like your natural teeth. If you are planning on getting flexible partial dentures or metallic partial dentures then you can work with your surgeon to customize the dentures to blend with your natural teeth.

Myth 2

Eating is difficult with dentures

Well, this is partially true that it takes a few weeks to adjust to the new dentures and you may need to start with eating liquid or soft foods before you go back to eating what you used to before getting the dentures. If you have got the right fit then it will never be difficult to eat with dentures.

Myth 3

If I get dentures I cannot get dental implants

Dentures and dental implants are the most commonly used procedures for the replacement of missing or lost teeth and a lot of time are presented as alternatives to one another however this does not mean you cannot get a dental implant if you opt for dentures. One can always go for a dental implant if one has dentures.

Myth 4

Dentures will fall out when I eat or talk

This is one of the most feared consequences of dentures that potential users are worried about. However, this is not true. It totally depends upon the quality of the dentures. A cheap denture that does not fit your jaw properly can fall out during eating or talking but not a good quality one. It’s always best to communicate well with your dentist while getting fitted for dentures. Your feedback at that time can ensure your dentures fit you well.

Myth 5

Dentures mean I need not worry about dental hygiene

While dentures are not natural teeth but they still need proper and regular cleaning. One should ideally remove and clean dentures overnight and one should also use a soft wet cloth to wipe the gums gently to remove any bacteria.

Myth 6

Dentures last for eternity

This is not true. A denture can last anywhere between 5 to 10 years depending on usage and its upkeep. One must regularly visit a dentist even after getting dentures so that they can evaluate for wear and tear or any fitting issues.

Myth 7

Dentures is for old people

While most people who use dentures may be old this statement is completely false. Dentures are for all those who have one or more missing teeth and this has nothing to do with the age of the person.  

Whether you opt for complete dentures or partial dentures or flexible dentures or removable dentures make sure you consult your dentist so that you can choose what is best for you.

To know more on the subject, you can call us on 940-274-6181 to walk into Ensure Dental Care today. All major insurance plans accepted.

You can also check the 10 Bad foods for teeth.

How does sugar affect your teeth

How does sugar affect your teeth

Most of us are aware by now that sugary foods are bad for teeth but many of us may not know why that is so. Here is a little explanation of the same.

Did you know our mouth is full of bacteria? Some of those are good for us while others are not. These bad bacteria feed on the sugars in our food and create acids. These acids are harmful for the teeth as they eat into our tooth enamel, the outer layer of our teeth. And if not treated well in time they can cause bacterial infections which lead to tooth decay, cavities, toothache and eventually tooth loss in many cases.

Plaque formation is also due to sugary foods. Sugar can also lead to gum diseases which can affect both the tissues around the gum and bones beneath it. Research has shown that gum disease is linked to higher instance of coronary diseases. Bacteria that accumulate from periodontitis can cause blood clots that clog arteries.

Our mouth has inbuilt capacity to reverse these harmful effects caused by sugars. Minerals from the enamel and saliva generate minerals like calcium and phosphates which strengthen teeth. However it cannot fight this battle alone and needs our help. We can do this by eating sugary stuff like hard candies, potato chips, sodas etc in moderation and brushing and flossing post eating them.

How would one know if one is consuming too much sugar? Some sure shot signs of those are –

  1. Feeling tired too often
  2. Breaking out of acne
  3. You hardly ever feel full
  4. You feel down
  5. You have high blood pressure or cholesterol

We can increase intake of high fiber veggies and also fluorinated water to fight the bad effects of sugar.. Fluoride is a mineral that helps in repairing weak enamel.

Sugar-free gum can help to clean out your teeth. It also can assist you in producing saliva, which, as you’ve read, helps remove the coating of sugar from your teeth. So you can chew sugar free gum after eating. Basically one needs to ensure that one does not let sugar sit in one’s mouth for too long.

Regular visits to your family dentists are also a must to ensure you are on track with regards to your overall oral health. At Ensure Dental Care we provide a multitude of services for the entire family. You can visit our website https://ensuredentacare.com or contact us at 940-274-3229 to book an appointment today. All Dental insurance in Texas plans accepted.

Oral Health During Covid-19

Oral Health During Covid-19

The year 2020 will be remembered as the pandemic year. With the closure of non essential services across the world, the one thing that has been hit among many others is oral health with reduced working hours for dental practices except for urgent and emergency services. The focus during this time has also shifted from dentist interventions to prevention.
Oral health as we all know is essential for overall good health. Hence oral care especially during the pandemic takes on an importance of its own. Recently researchers studying a small group of people in Japan have found that effective oral hygiene can improve corona virus testing and also reduce the transmission period after a person recovers from covid. British researchers have found a link between poor oral hygiene and severity of COVID-19 disease.
Here are some tips for you to maintain good oral hygiene during covid 19 –
1. Keep your toothbrush clean and separate from the toothbrushes of other family members. Toothbrushes can get easily contaminated by micro organisms and covid 19 virus is known to transmit through air borne droplets.

2. Have your own toothpaste. All members of the family must have not only separate toothbrushes but toothpaste tubes also. Many covid infected patients are asymptomatic i.e. they do not show any symptoms. So while we maintain social distancing within our homes we may end up passing on or getting the virus due to shared resources like a toothpaste tube.

3. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss and use mouth wash regularly. Make sure you rinse your mouth properly after brushing your teeth. Give your gums a massage once a week.

4. Eat well balanced diet with lot of vitamins and minerals and do regular exercise. People with poor immune systems are at a higher risk of contracting covid and are similar to those at higher risk for developing oral diseases. Common risk factors include stress, poor diet, alcohol and tobacco use.

5. Special care must be taken for the teeth of children and elderly. Being confined to homes has not only been stressful but has led to extra consumption of sodas and sugary substances. The British study also found that good oral hygiene is means to prevent airway infections in patients especially those over the age of 70.

6. Use fluoridated toothpaste or water. It has been proved by a number of studies that fluoridation helps prevent tooth decay.

Taking care of the above will help you get away with less dental problems in the year of the pandemic. However these are not a substitute for regular dental checkups so do visit your family dentist as regularly as is possible. You can also visit Ensure Dental Care today or contact us at 940-274-3229 to know more. All major insurance plans accepted.

Fluoride Myths and Facts

Fluoride Myths and Facts

Most of us would have seen the toothpaste makers advertise fluoridated toothpastes. Fluoride toothpastes are extremely effective against tooth decays. You may be surprised to know the fluorides exist is naturally occurring water and soil at varying levels.

It was in the 1940’s that scientists and doctors realized the impact fluorides can have on dental problems. Subsequent studies have found fluoride inhibits the acid producing bacteria in the mouth and not only that they also help in the remineralization of decayed enamel. Hence it can not only prevent but also reverse tooth decay. Unfortunately there are many myths surrounding the need and benefits of fluorides. Here are some of them which we would like to bust today.

Myth 1
Since fluoride is present in natural water, that is good enough to protect teeth.
Fact – While the above statement is partially true, the naturally occurring fluoride is not sufficient to prevent tooth decay. The optimal level of fluoride in water is 0.7 parts per million.

Myth 2
Fluoride is an added medication to the toothpastes.
Fact – Fluoride is not a medication, it’s a naturally occurring mineral which is beneficial for oral health. The American Journal of Public Health even stated that its not a medication but a naturally occurring nutrient. Just like iodine is added to salt for our health similarly fluorides are added to toothpastes in the right quantities.

Myth 3
Fluorides are unsafe for children.
Fact The fact is that it’s the other way round, giving sufficient fluorine supplements to children as young as 6 months can help strengthen their teeth for their entire lifetime. A study conducted in 2010 showed that a child given fluoride supplements when young makes loss of teeth due to decay less likely when he/she is a middle aged adults in his/ her 40s and 50s.

Myth 4
Fluoridation causes cancer.
Fact – A number of studies by health authorities over so many years has proved that there is no linkage between fluoride and cancer. However consuming excess fluoride does cause a condition called fluorosis which is generally a mild condition involving no pain and does not affect health or function of teeth.

Myth 5
Fluoridation does not prevent tooth decay
Fact – Since the 1940s there have many numerous studies on this subject which have conclusively proved that fluoridation helps prevent tooth decay. In one such study it has been found that people not using fluoridated water require 33% more treatments for tooth decay than people consuming fluoridated water.

While the myths on this subject are many, the above listed ones are the most common. Hopefully we helped bust a few myths for you today. You can visit us at Ensure Dental Care today or contact us at 682-213-4114 to know more. All major insurance plans accepted.

10 Awesome Tips To Maintain Dental Hygiene

10 Awesome Tips To Maintain Dental Hygiene

Dental Hygiene is critical for an overall good health. Here is our list of 10 awesome tips you can follow very easily in your day to day life.

  1. Brushing daily twice a day – While it may be obvious that brushing twice daily is the most basic thing required for dental hygiene however you would be surprised that many people don’t do it. Most people brush only once a day. It is important that one brushes even at night cause food stuck in teeth after the lovely dinner is feast for the germs.
  2. Flossing – flossing is as important as brushing. Most people again neglect flossing. It removes plaque and the food stuck between the teeth and also stimulates the gums.
  3. Use a mouthwash – Rinsing your mouth with water is great but not always enough. Use a mouthwash. Not only does using a mouth wash prevent bad breath but also it can go in places that the toothbrush or floss cannot. Mouthwashes remove acid in the mouth that cause tooth decay.
  4. Don’t eat sugary stuff – The candies and sodas can be very harmful for the teeth, they break down in the mouth producing acids that can cause cavities. So limit your intake of such substances.
  5. Too much tea and coffee can also wear down the tooth enamel. Enamel is the outer covering of your teeth and one of the hardest substances in the human body. While you can continue to enjoy tea and coffee occasionally however too much of anything is always harmful.
  6. Cleaning your tongue is an important aspect of dental hygiene. Use a tongue scraper to clean it. Cleaning it daily can help remove bacteria that cause bad breath.
  7. Avoid tobacco, smoking and alcohol. Consuming tobacco and smoking are main culprits behind oral cancer. Too much alcohol is known to cause gum disease and tooth decay.
  8. Eat crunchy food like fruits and veggies that have natural vitamins and fiber for good dental health. Also consume products with calcium like milk, yogurt and cheese. Calcium makes your teeth stronger.
  9. Make sure to clean your brush and let it air dry. Also ensure proper hygiene of flossing and tongue scraper will ensure your efforts at dental hygiene don’t go waste.
  10. Last but not the least visit your dentist on a regular basis. It is important so that any dental problem is detected and cured at the right time before it becomes a problem for you.

We hope these awesome tips help you maintain good dental health. Contact us at 682-213-4114 for an appointment to know more. All major insurance plans accepted.